Black is the Color of Decay is a living installation dedicated to the color black made with scrap iron and oak galls.
On 28-29 March the installation will'land' in the massive concrete space of BankART studio NYK, center for culture and arts located in a former Warehouse at the docs in Yokohama – near Tokyo.
Visitors are invited to experiment with West–African wax batik and dying with one of the oldest natural black pigments, used as writing ink from 4th -20th century Europe. The residue of the workshop will be incorporated in Van Hoorebeke´s living sculpture, which is on view along with charcoal and iron gall ink drawings by Yoko Enoki.

On the weekend of 11-12 April the DOMA House will be turned back into its former purpose as a textile workshop. This time the former weaving factory will serve as a place for experiment. You are very welcome to join the 2-day workshop and find out more about the whole batik process, natural dyes and dark ink made with waste material.
The course includes basic material and a leaflet with practical information and beautiful drawings by Yoko Enoki.